Advanced Excel

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  • Advanced Excel

Creating, editing, saving and printing spreadsheets, working with functions & formula. Graphically representing data: Charts & Graphs, Analyzing data: Data Menu, Subtotal, Filtering Data, Working with functions & formula Formatting worksheets, Securing & Protecting spreadsheets Formulas & Macros Formulas: Use the Function Wizard, Common functions, (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, Count, Counta, Round, INT), Nested functions, Name cells /ranges /constants, Relative, Absolute, Mixed cell references : >, <, = operators. Logical functions using IF, AND, OR, NOT, The LOOKUP function, Date and time functions, Annotating formulas, Data Analysis: Sub Total Reports, Auto Filter, Password Protecting Worksheets, Linking Multiple Sheets Sheet Referencing, Linking Between Word/Excel/Ppt, Functions: LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, COUNTIF, SUMIF What-if-analysis, GOAL SEEK, NESTED IF, Reporting, Character Functions, Date Functions.

Age Calculations, Consolidation of Data, Data Validation, and Pivot Tables: Enter the Pivot Table Data, Create the Pivot Table, Adding Data to the Pivot Table.

Filtering the Pivot Table Data, Change the Pivot Table Data, Analyze Data Columns in Pivot Tables Adjust Data to Analyze, Macros and use, Record a macro

Assign a macro, Run a macro, Store a macro, Introduction to VBA Prog.

  • Plan a worksheet, Row and Column labels, Split worksheet /box /bar, Copy data and formulas.
  • Display /move toolbars, Enhance worksheet Appearance.
  • Use multiple windows: Copy/ paste between Worksheets.
  • Link worksheets, Consolidate worksheets.
  • Import and link from other Applications Use AutoFormat: Create, use and modify styles and templates Print features: Create /edit an outline.
Duration : 1 Month